I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all New Hampshire residents who voted last week.
It has been an honor and privilege to have served in the N.H. Senate for the past four years and I am looking forward to serving you again over the next two years. My priorities for the next legislative session will be issues that benefit working families and small businesses while protecting taxpayers.
I would hope that those of us who have the privilege to serve in Concord, or for that matter in Washington, will work in a bipartisan manner to solve the significant challenges we face. That may mean a spirited discussion and friendly disagreement, but there should always be a willingness to find compromise and common ground.
I try to remind myself that principled positions and compromise are not mutually exclusive and that common sense is usually the best barometer for making good policy judgments.
I thank voters again for the opportunity to serve and will do my best to exercise that common sense.
Jeb Bradley.